Muncie Obedience Training Club

Companion (Pet) Classes

Click below to learn more about our classes

Class Details

Puppy class is an excellent opportunity to provide puppies with some of the exposure they need to become confident dogs.

ACK S.T.A.R. Puppy provides a good lead-in to learning the Canine Good Citizen requirements.

Saturdays:  9 – 10am

Mondays:  6 – 7pm

Class start dates on are class calendar


  • Puppies 12 weeks to 1 year old 
  • Must have proof of up-to-date vaccinations. 
  • 6 week course (1 hour sessions) – no puppies the first class
  • Public $90/MOTC Members $54 (There is a $3 service fee for credit cards.)

Owner will. . .

  • learn how to maintain puppy’s health
  • learn how to be a responsible dog owner
  • learn adequate daily play and exercise plans
  • obtain a form of ID for puppy: microchip, collar tag, etc.

Puppy will learn. . .

  • to be free of aggression toward other puppies in class
  • to tolerate collar or body harness of owner’s choice
  • to be held or hugged
  • to allow owner to take away a treat or toy
  • to allow petting in any position by a person other than owner
  • to allow grooming by owner and brief exam (ears, feet)
  • to walk on a loose leash
  • to sit on command
  • to down on command
  • to come to owner when name is called
  • to ignore distractions
  • to stay on leash with another person 

Class Details

Our Basic Obedience Class is training toward passing the Canine Good Citizen (CGC) test.

This class will give your dog basic skills for various social situations.

The class is typically offered twice a week, on

Saturdays:  10:30am -11:30am or

Mondays:  7:30pm – 8:30pm

Class dates are listed on class calendar.


  • Dogs of any age are eligible to take this class, however, puppies under one year of age should have successfully completed the S.T.A.R. Puppy Class.
  • Must have proof of up-to-date vaccinations.
  • 6 Week Course (1 hour sessions) – dogs come to all sessions.
  • CGC Test is administered the 7th week.
  • Public $90/MOTC Members $54 (There is a $3 service fee for credit cards.)

You will teach your dog to. . .

  • Walk on a loose leash amid distractions.
  • Obey basic commands (Sit, Down, Come).
  • Stay in a Sit or Down position while the handler walks 20 feet away.
  • Greet another person politely even if they have a dog with them.
  • Allow another person such as vet or groomer to handle the dog.
  • Stay with another person as the handler goes out of sight for 3 minutes without excessive pulling, whining, or barking.

*Dogs must demonstrate the  above skills during class and testing to obtain a C.G.C.

Class Details

During this class, you and your dog will be introduced to the basic skills needed in Conformation, Obedience, Rally, Agility, Scent Work and just plain fun!

When: Thursday  7:00 pm to 8:00 pm. 

Class start dates on class calendar.


Puppy/Dogs must have successfully completed a prior class or have instructor permission.

  • 6 Week Course (1 hour sessions)
  • Public $90/MOTC Members $54 (There is a $3 service fee for credit cards.)

You will teach your dog and/or will improve their. . .

  • Focus/Attention
  • Stand/Sit/Down/Stay/Come
  • Timing
  • Positions
  • Controlled leash walking
  • Contacts
  • Footwork
  • Recalls
  • Stays
  • Position discrimination
  • Distance control
  • Obstacle training
  • Turns
  • Jumping
  • Scent identification
  • Retrieving
  • Send out

Class Details

When: Thursday  6:00 -7:00 pm. 


To be eligible for the AKC Trick Dog If you have a Canine Good Citizen (CGC) certificate or title on record, you may count the CGC as 5 of the required tricks.  

AKC offers four titles, Novice, Intermediate, Advanced and Performance.

  • 6 Week Course (1-hour sessions)
  • Public $90/MOTC Members $54 (There is a $3 service fee for credit cards.)

You will teach your dog to . . .

  • Balance beam (walk on board a few inches off floor)
  • Bark on cue(“Speak”)
  • Crawl (dog on belly, crawls at least 3 body lengths)
  • Fetch it (ball, etc., 10 ft. away, bring to handler within 2 ft)
  • Find it (find treat or scent item hidden under 1 cup or object)
  • Get your _______. (Leash, brush, name of toy)
  •  Get in (gets in box)
  • Sits in box (on cue)
  • Get on (gets on low platform or step – 4 paws)
  • Hand signals (Choose one: down, sit, or come)
  • High five Hold (3 seconds)
  • Jump (thru a low hoop or over a low bar)
  •  Kennel up (go in crate, stay in until released)
  • Kiss (point to cheek or back of hand)
  • Paws up (2 front paws on low stool or step)
  • Push-ups (sit, down, sit, down, sit, down)
  • Shake hands
  •  Spin in circle
  • Touch it (hand or target stick)
  • Tunnel (agility tunnel or child’s tunnel)
    Handler’s choice:
  • Handler’s choice